

I has been a very bad blogger as of lately.

I am admittedly insanely frustrated myself for the recent hiatus on blogging that was worsened by the following severe lack of explanation. Rude, very rude.
I guess the explanation I can give is that I got caught up in IB and getting through everything else. The creative outlet was ignored because creativity was becoming a rare occurrence and one I haven’t particularly had time for either.

A lot has happened for me in the past three months though that I can’t wait to talk to you guys about. Current followers and any recent new I really want to thank you for stinking around and hope you will continue as I get back into the blogging spirit. Even just writing this post is making me feel better and more excited. Hopefully a lot of posts will be getting written and sent out in the next while.

So a big thanks to my followers, I can’t wait to check other blogs as well to see what you’ve been up to. Anything super big that you want to talk about? Comment below!

Happy blogging!
