Book Quotes and Scenes


by Kelley Armstrong

It’s been so long since my last reread of this series and this quote hit me right in the gut when I read it again. Honest and brutal are the two words to use.
But undeniable.

“The show’s writers had peppered the piece with words like “savage,” “wild,” and “animalistic.” What bullshit. Show me the animal that kills for the thrill of watching something die. Why does the stereotype of the animalistic killer persist?
Because humans like it. It neatly explains things for them, moving humans to the top of the evolutionary ladder and putting killers down among mythological man-beast monsters like werewolves.
The truth is, if a werewolf behaved like this psychopath it wouldn’t be because he was part animal, but because he was still too human. Only humans kill for sport.” 

Armstrong’s writing abilities shined through here.
Thoughts on this one?

Until next time,
