Favourite ReReads

If you live in a snow country like me, you know that sometimes on a cold night there is literally nothing better than curling up in some blankets with a book. Whether it’s hardcopy or on your phone like me, it’s the best thing ever. Also my most common way to procrastinate. Sometimes the best thing to do at these times is find a good book to reread. Here’s my list of books I go to the most for rereads. Continue reading “Favourite ReReads”

Review: The Winner’s Kiss (Winner’s Trilogy #3) by Marie Rutkoski

20443235Some kisses come at a price.

War has begun. Arin is in the thick of it with untrustworthy new allies and the empire as his enemy. Though he has convinced himself that he no longer loves Kestrel, Arin hasn’t forgotten her, or how she became exactly the kind of person he has always despised. She cared more for the empire than she did for the lives of innocent people—and certainly more than she did for him.

At least, that’s what he thinks.

In the frozen north, Kestrel is a prisoner in a brutal work camp. As she searches desperately for a way to escape, she wishes Arin could know what she sacrificed for him. She wishes she could make the empire pay for what they’ve done to her.

But no one gets what they want just by wishing.

As the war intensifies, both Kestrel and Arin discover that the world is changing. The East is pitted against the West, and they are caught in between. With so much to lose, can anybody really win?

Continue reading “Review: The Winner’s Kiss (Winner’s Trilogy #3) by Marie Rutkoski”

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard


This is a world divided by blood – red or silver.

The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.
That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.
Fearful of Mare’s potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.
But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance – Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart.

In honour of the third book to this series, King’s Cage coming out on February 7th I had to make the first book to that series this weeks Friday Favourite. Check out the last Friday Favourite here.  Continue reading “Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard”

Book Giveaway

Enter Giveaway


HUGE International YA Giveaway with Amazon Echo Dot + everyone wins 14 FREE ebooks!!

EVERYONE wins 14 FREE ebooks!!!!

1 winner in each of the following countries United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada!!

*paperbacks*Amazon Echo Dot*$25 Amazon gift card!!

End date: February 28th, 2017

Note: Other than entering myself, I am in no way affiliated with this giveaway.

What Book Made You Into A Reader?


This is a question I think I saw randomly either scrolling through blog posts or blog post ideas. Either way, it’s a question that has stuck with me ever since I read it. I wish I was better at keeping track of things or I would link to wherever I read this question. But for those of you who know me…I don’t keep track of anything in my life. Ever. Fatal flaw? Perhaps. We are yet to find out. I’ll get back to you guys on that.

Back to the goal of this post and what I am also challenging you guys to do! I challenge you to figure out the book that made you into a reader! What book or series did it? I plan on tagging some people directly I think would have a lot of fun with this at the end maybe. But any book blogger reading this, should definitely take part and link back to me so I can find it and read (part of) what brought you into the magical world of books.

So what book made me into a bookworm?

Continue reading “What Book Made You Into A Reader?”

Review: Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

12232938The Lovely Bones is the story of a family devastated by a gruesome murder — a murder recounted by the teenage victim. Upsetting, you say? Remarkably, first-time novelist Alice Sebold takes this difficult material and delivers a compelling and accomplished exploration of a fractured family’s need for peace and closure.

The details of the crime are laid out in the first few pages: from her vantage point in heaven, Susie Salmon describes how she was confronted by the murderer one December afternoon on her way home from school. Lured into an underground hiding place, she was raped and killed. But what the reader knows, her family does not. Anxiously, we keep vigil with Susie, aching for her grieving family, desperate for the killer to be found and punished.

Sebold creates a heaven that’s calm and comforting, a place whose residents can have whatever they enjoyed when they were alive — and then some. But Susie isn’t ready to release her hold on life just yet, and she intensely watches her family and friends as they struggle to cope with a reality in which she is no longer a part. To her great credit, Sebold has shaped one of the most loving and sympathetic fathers in contemporary literature.

Continue reading “Review: Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold”

It Ends With Us – Colleen Hoover


This book was a recent read that left me book hungover to this day and I do not know when I will truly recover. So read it. But unlike me find some solutions to book hangovers first…Yea, that’d be a good idea. Know any, I’d love to hear them.

Either way, read this book!