No Explanation

Depression is not something with a clear cut definition
Whatever it is, all that I know, is it has one clear mission
Day after day, night after night, it is trying to kill me
I try to explain, as I fight through each day, I just need you to see
It is not something  I can explain, for that I am sorry
I wish you could help, but every time it’s just the same story
What’s wrong? I don’t know.
What upset you? I don’t know.
Well if you don’t know then what could be wrong?
Anything as I am dragged along this road
That is far too long.
All of these thoughts cut so deep
They are the constant reasons for why I weep
This is not something I can explain
It already makes me go insane
What else do you want me to say?
When it’s not just going to go away.


 I’ve been thinking for awhile that this is something I wanted to add onto my blog. So when the inspiration strikes I’ll be adding my own poetry up. Hope you guys like it, love to hear any thoughts and/or critiques.