An Empty Cliff

The cliff looms before me
The journey below left unseen

From behind,
Words ring true.
Unpleasant and cruel,
I believe them too.
One step, two step, edge creeps closer

From Behind,
A smack echoes clearly
Startling an wrong,
I wince just barely.
Closer and closer to the ledge

From behind,
Creeps a world of cold.
Joyless and empty,
Where my life is told.
Feet go forward, one in front of the other.

Dare turn back,
Sounds the whispers
You are not missed
What lies behind right now,
You are nothing in their midst.
One step, two step.

Make it, jump it, whispers the wind.
It calls and screams.
Beckons forward.
Another step.

A tear, trailing to the frigid ground.
Closer to the edge.
Whispers of both,
With what they allege.
Next step.

A look, a glance.
To over the edge.
The cliff looms and cries
One soul to another above the ledge.
A smile, so strange.
Holding secrets aplenty
Eyes, suddenly new.
A look to beyond, then

