Importance Of Irony

Why Use Irony In Writing?

In short? Because it’s fascinating and does wonders on your readers.

This post is going to be a bit weird for me because for lack of bias sake I’m going to use both of my perspectives, that of a writer and as an avid reader.

Irony in short is so useful because of the way it draws me in as a reader. So in this case, dramatic irony is really important, when the reader is in on something that the characters don’t know yet. Because I don’t want to give spoilers from popular books my example is Macbeth.
In the play, there’s a particular moment in act 1, scene 4 where Duncan expresses his trust for Macbeth. This in particular is ironic because in the end, Macbeth betrays and murders Duncan in cold blood. Or rather, in a vie for the throne. It happens again situationally in this same story. Macbeth is given the title of a man who is killed for being a traitor. Then, becomes a traitor himself.

These little things make the story more interesting as a whole. While reading Shakespeare especially for me where I have a lot less patience and interest. This actually made it pretty funny in my mind and a lot more interesting. More of this happens in every good story I read. The Mercy Thompson series for example. I put an example of irony is my book quotes and scenes post. Mercy is saying the absolute truth to a human, unbeknownst to him. This added beautifully to Mercy’s character and the closure of the story for me.

As a writer though, briefly, it is useful. As a reader I love irony, in any shape or form since it can work as situational, dramatic or verbal. So use it! Readers, even if they don’t realize what it is, will love any use of irony. Whether it’s funny, interesting or anything else. Not only that, but it is a great challenge. It’s not always easy to write something ironic and not make it to cheesy. Writing some good irony takes some good planning and writing skills. Or if you’re a writer like me, a lot of luck that when you reread you realize you added some in beautifully, by accident more or less. The more or less depends on the day with me.

Who are the best authors at irony?
For more tips on irony in writing check out: FIVE WAYS TO USE DRAMATIC IRONY IN YOUR WRITING
Is it important to you? Why? Let me know

Until next time,
