Underestimate Us – A Slam Poem

This post was inspired by The Daily Post Word Prompt Underestimate
The video version of this can be found on Youtube:

Underestimate Us – Spoken Word

Listen to my voice loud and clear
I have a small message for you to hear
I feel very tired, of this one constant thing
On and on again, it is everyone’s focus
And thus, no choice, it must be mine.
This focus, nonstop and loud?
My body.
Now let me emphasize that one little word.
My. As in mine, not yours, so why is it your focus.
But the society around me won’t let it go.
They hold onto something that is not theirs
And slowly but surely, everyone believes
It’s not mine either.
Hands I draw henna designs on in boredom.
Legs that push me harder and faster on the ice.
Hair I love playing with and changing.
A face I make lovely smiles with.
None of it is mine.
Does this make sense?
No, not really

They cannot force me into the object of their possession.
I am not something to be played with.
Not something for them to poke and prod at.
Because all I ever hear.
Don’t where that it’s inappropriate.
Those shorts are too short, your legs too big.
You should eat better, you’ll gain weight.
Shut up! Is what I have to say.
Inappropriate? So what, some boob shows, I happen to have boobs
Too short, too big? I feel pretty, that’s all I need.
Weight? Too fucking bad, I like food.

It is time to stop putting me down.
Putting us down.
The girls like me.
Who are told what to do, with their body.
I tell society now;

Do not underestimate us.
We will fight back.
We will throw your comments back in your face
We will not care what you want to say.
We will reclaim our bodies for what they are.
No longer objects, but ours to cherish.
They will be silenced and our voices will rise.
Until everyone knows.
We will not be objects.
Do not put us down.
Because we bite back.

And they will never
Underestimate our power again

Thank you for listening and until next time,


Into The Night


One of the guys hauled in another skid, the wood perfect and with a grunt threw it atop the fire they all surrounded. For a moment, the flames lessened before consuming the wood and lighting up brilliantly. Eliana cheered with some of the others, stepping up to the flames once they calmed down. She could still hear the chattering of Tessa and Laura behind her. But they were easily tuned out by the flames. A grin spread across her face when she turned away, watching the light of the bonfire reflect off of them all in the dark.


She went back to them and sat on the bench, taking the palm bay when it was handed to her from a nearby cooler. Quickly joining back in on the conversation she basked wordlessly into the night. “El!” Daren interrupted her thoughts and she raised and eyebrow at him, “You are such a fire bug, jeez, pay attention. Do you know where your brother went?” “Yes, because my job is keeping track of my brother.” Laura elbowed her slightly in the ribs, giving her a knowing look. Eliana rolled her eyes, ignoring Laura’s grin, “He headed inside, probably for some drinking games.”


“Love your faith in me sister,” And a peck on the cheek followed by a hand buried in her hair. Eliana resisted the urge to swat him. But she was in a good mood, so she just took another sip of her drink. “Actually,” he continued, “I’m going to liven up this music and you’re going to help.” Again, Eliana found herself raising a brow. “Oh of course, your every need dear brother,” she muttered sarcastically. “That’s the spirit!” Then he leaned over and whispered something to Laura then he was gone heading over to a group and that was when she spotted the guitar in his hand.


There were three others with him for now. All bearing some kind of instrument, including, yes, a cowbell. Eliana shook her head but a laugh still made its way out her lips. One that immediately cut off when she saw Dylan coming up just behind her brother. As always, his face was set blank, but tonight there was a spark there. Which seemed to brighten as she watched him sit down and take the first strum of guitar. Immediately, the music began filling her ears as her brother joined in. Hell, even the cowbell sounded nice. It was when he sang that her breath stopped. Absolutely froze her and sent heat down to places she dared not name when he was only mere feet away from her. A smile worked its way on her face.

Continue reading “Into The Night”