Our Take On A Mug Cake

Transferred from previous account, done with Emily, Meers2Review.

11694073_800230553423660_323302335_nSo, here’s a quick sum up of how this post came to be, Emily and I (Shayla) were at my house after hockey and I wanted to make white chocolate brownies, didn’t have all the ingredients so we looked for something else to make. On facebook I found a video of an awesome recipe and immediately we did the whole, look at each other excitedly thing and got to work. Before you know it we were making mug cakes. Lots of fun with absolutely delicious results. Here it is:


  • 2 tbsp butter (melted)
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp of milk
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 6 tbsp self-rising flour (we used normal flour it worked just fine)
  • a pinch of salt
  • sprinkles (of any kind)
  • microwave

Now here’s how it went:

  • Add the first two ingredients together and mix.


  • Then add in the milk, vanilla extract and sugar, mix well again.


  • Add in the flour and salt (we switched to using forks for stirring at this point)


  • Mix until smooth.


  • Once all the bumps are out you’re free to add in your sprinkles and mix in, no exact amount just however much you want. “I know I know, we only had Christmas sprinkles”


  • Then put in the microwave. Our video said 1 minute but it ended up being at least 2 mins give or take, simply put it in until once you put a toothpick in and it comes back out clean.


  • Once it cools down, add on top the icing, you can use a bag to make it look more artsy, we just wanted to eat it though.


“Just had a moment while typing this, that is a really short list of instructions :P”

Notes From Shayla: I happen to be allergic to eggs so in my recipe I used egg replacer instead of an egg like Emily did. In the end result it, mine rose less than Emily’s did and was comparably less dense as well. Mine was nicely filling, with just the right amount of richness I enjoy. I also didn’t put sprinkles on top of my icing, I didn’t feel like it. It ended up being really delicious and we put the icing on a bit earlier due to impatience, but that meant it was nice and warm and the icing could melt slightly. This is a recipe I’d noticed before in another video that was done by popsugar instead of buzzfeed, same recipe but with some different details at the end. Take a look if you want: 2 Minute Mug Cakes. Also even better if you have some milk while eating it ^_^ Good luck and happy baking

Notes From Emily:  This was fun and easy recipe to make, and the cake tasted amazing! The cake itself ended up being really filling because it was so rich and dense. I also added the icing before it was completely cooled for the same reasons as Shayla, but in the end, the slightly melted icing only enhanced the flavour. I didn’t finish my cake, so Shayla sent me home with the leftovers. By the time I got home, it had become much denser, thus the textured took away from the flavour. I didn’t think about reheating it in the microwave, but when I talked to Shayla about it, she suggested that reheating it  would probably help make it less dense… Good luck and hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did!
