Spinach and Cheese Muffins

So I’m over at my friends house, we randomly decide to make cake and then I’m looking through one of her recipe books for fun. I find this recipe and I kind of go, oh hey breakfast, bit healthier, maybe I’ll try that out. It’s currently in the oven at this moment and I am half-assed sure I reallllly messed up. It was really doughy, unusual in muffins for me. And I had trouble mixing it too, too much flour, not enough milk. Really concerned. Maybe it’ll be okay. But I have about 35 minutes of wait until I know if my attempt at healthy baking was a total failure. I shall continue after that.

14 minutes left to go. Look pretty decent actually. Smell a little too spinachy. Not enough cheese?

Out of the oven: 13249571_1054738254618956_442036044_n

Continue reading “Spinach and Cheese Muffins”

Blueberry Bread Recipe

Blueberry Bread Recipe
This recipe turned out quite nicely for me after I admittedly randomly searched it up on the internet because I was craving blueberry bread. At first it was a different bread recipe I have, but I was lazy and that one is a bit more work. That one may get posted eventually though too because it is delicious. But this one is all the same. Hope you have fun making it and just a quick reminder, this recipe was used with egg replacer due to my allergy and still worked out great. Good luck and happy baking. 11716040_884384948320955_206374830_n

Continue reading “Blueberry Bread Recipe”