Discussion: Vatican’s New Decision

This post was actually inspired by another blogger and her post that was both inspiring and infuriated me for what it explained and detailed: Unchain My Heart: On The Emotional Effectiveness – and Lingering Sexism – 0f Jewish Divorce

The post added to my previous attention and frustration on the matter of sexism in religions. So let’s clarify where it began quickly.
I go to a catholic school, although I’m not catholic or religious in the least really. I respect it, but it’s simply something that’s not necessary in my life. This morning on the announcements after the national anthem and the morning prayer, she mentions excitedly on the PA system; “The Pope has agreed to allow women to be deacons.” Priests basically.

Now this is a pretty picture except for the one word added in there, by another woman no less, allow. So he is so gracious and amazing due to his allowing woman to do something that they should have been able to do in the first place. Continue reading “Discussion: Vatican’s New Decision”