One Lovely Blog Award

So this is a new thing to me. Pretty excited to be nominated and big thanks to Sakshi Gour for the nomination. Stole the rules from her version of this post. Take a look at her blog!

Rules: one-lovely-blog

7 things…wish this was more specific I suck at coming up with this stuff.

  1. I’m an avid sports player and have been skating for hockey since I was 3 years old.
  2. Rugby is top of the list, I’m a hooker, gotta love that sentence. I’m hoping to sign up for my provincial team at some point
  3. I’m bilingual, know french. And I really want to continue studying sign language.
  4. I’ve been called a therapist by my friends far too many times to count, but I’m happy to help them out however I can.
  5. My favourite disney movies of all time are Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and Tarzan.
  6. I read until my vision gets blurry, and then some.
  7. I couldn’t live the same without this blog and you guys following along with me so I need to say another quick thanks to Sakshi, this nomination means a lot.

My nominations:


Good luck and have fun to the nominees!


Blank Page

Inspired by Daily Post word prompt Blank

Smooth and calm, pages etched from unknown
Upon which, stories may be sewn.
Clean and clear, open to all for life.
Possibilities of both love and strife.

Open it up,
The urge calls loud and burning.
One page,
Open and none will stop you from learning;

The essence of happy,
Fun and beauty in the sun
The truth of sorrow,
A battle of mind not won.
The weight of anger,
Never without a cost.
The facts of life,
In which, bright and dark crossed.

And so…

The pages lay before you.
They are ready, the pen in hand.
Take hold right now,
The world will never be bland.
It is yours at the making,
All wishes yours to keep.
So every day fill your pages,
Before you go to sleep.

Good luck.


8 Symptoms of a Book Hangover

Definition of said hangover: When you’ve finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world, but the real world feels incomplete or surreal because you’re still living in the world of the book.

Fetal Position. If you find yourself stuck in the fetal position after reading and finishing a book, book hangover is upon you for sure. Or you could be cold. Fetal_position_cry

Tears. Bursting into irrational tears at any moment or mention of the book causing the problem. This also relates to whole problem where the book is over and you’re wanting to know more like tumblr_inline_n52a6sjogg1rlmg0o Continue reading “8 Symptoms of a Book Hangover”