Slam Status

This is short, simple and conveys so many things it should not be possible. It means so much to me in so many different ways. More than anything though, it’s the woman who speaks it. She is the epitome of strength and power, of what she’s talking about and it creates a perfect story that I am happy to hear time and time again.

Melissa Newman-Evans – “9 Things I Would Like to Tell to Every Teenage Girl”

Advice to the Parents

I use this blog for many things when it comes to my creativity. But not only that. It’s quickly becoming a place to put my real thoughts out there and  I appreciate that in ways you can’t imagine.
Right now, the topic is obvious enough, but allow me to clarify slightly.

Parents that don’t, or outright refuse, to understand. That take out there on frustrations on their kids. Make us into verbal punching bags when the mood strikes. And make it as if saying something back would be rude, because ‘hey, it’s your parent, they’re stressed’ and let’s not forget ‘I owe it to them’.

For reasons I will never understand, my mom has quite the habit of it. I’m not trying to be a bratty teenager. I’m quite mature, almost at the university stage and try to understand her frustrations as much as I possibly can. But, back to that, I’m a mentally unstable teenager who can’t always do that. I am nowhere near the perfect kid, my room is a mess, I’m forgetful and distracted and tend to seclude myself to my room. But that’s who I am. My mom is opinionated, strong, forceful and judgemental when it comes down to it. She just forgets that she’s my main parent figure and whatever she says has a huge and lasting effect, and recently she crossed a line.
So lately she’s been stuck on me about little things. Then I’m getting anxious this morning so I decide I’m going to go to lunch with my friend. She called and…some things were said to me that I don’t believe will be possible for me to forget.

That’s not what I plan to focus on though. I want to hand out some advice for the parents out there, from one of the kids in hopes that I help out in some way.  Continue reading “Advice to the Parents”

Into The Night


One of the guys hauled in another skid, the wood perfect and with a grunt threw it atop the fire they all surrounded. For a moment, the flames lessened before consuming the wood and lighting up brilliantly. Eliana cheered with some of the others, stepping up to the flames once they calmed down. She could still hear the chattering of Tessa and Laura behind her. But they were easily tuned out by the flames. A grin spread across her face when she turned away, watching the light of the bonfire reflect off of them all in the dark.


She went back to them and sat on the bench, taking the palm bay when it was handed to her from a nearby cooler. Quickly joining back in on the conversation she basked wordlessly into the night. “El!” Daren interrupted her thoughts and she raised and eyebrow at him, “You are such a fire bug, jeez, pay attention. Do you know where your brother went?” “Yes, because my job is keeping track of my brother.” Laura elbowed her slightly in the ribs, giving her a knowing look. Eliana rolled her eyes, ignoring Laura’s grin, “He headed inside, probably for some drinking games.”


“Love your faith in me sister,” And a peck on the cheek followed by a hand buried in her hair. Eliana resisted the urge to swat him. But she was in a good mood, so she just took another sip of her drink. “Actually,” he continued, “I’m going to liven up this music and you’re going to help.” Again, Eliana found herself raising a brow. “Oh of course, your every need dear brother,” she muttered sarcastically. “That’s the spirit!” Then he leaned over and whispered something to Laura then he was gone heading over to a group and that was when she spotted the guitar in his hand.


There were three others with him for now. All bearing some kind of instrument, including, yes, a cowbell. Eliana shook her head but a laugh still made its way out her lips. One that immediately cut off when she saw Dylan coming up just behind her brother. As always, his face was set blank, but tonight there was a spark there. Which seemed to brighten as she watched him sit down and take the first strum of guitar. Immediately, the music began filling her ears as her brother joined in. Hell, even the cowbell sounded nice. It was when he sang that her breath stopped. Absolutely froze her and sent heat down to places she dared not name when he was only mere feet away from her. A smile worked its way on her face.

Continue reading “Into The Night”